
On Race

I used to tell my teenage son, "You don't have to look for racism; it will find you."

Now here I am, opening up my project to explore all musical women (instead of black women exclusively), and what stares…

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Last night Zahra performed at another of the Hamid Drake/Michael Zerang annual winter solstice events at Constellation Chicago. Altogether they did three sunrise concerts and two evening shows. Hamid led the Friday night event with himself and Michael on drums,…

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What It Takes

Weeks ago, I realized that this project on musical women would require certain behaviors of me. It would push me to:

  • delve deeply
  • explore widely
  • get uncomfortable
  • create consistently
  • be spontaneous
  • act courageously
  • produce produce produce

Last night…

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I saw this quote on Instagram recently:

You will recognize your own path when you come upon it because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need.

Sarah Teasdale

This certainly describes…

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